Valpolicella wines on the roof of Milan, for Press Lunch 2023 at Restaurant Ceresio 7.


29 NOVEMBER 2023



A skyscraper in the heart of Milan where to experience, in a unique location, all the excellence of Valpolicella wines. This is the mood of the Press Lunch that on 29 November will welcome twelve trade journalists on the magnificent terrace of the historic Enel building, in the Ceresio 7 restaurant, for a lunch dedicated to taste and good drinking. Waiting for them will be the creations of Chef Elio Sironi paired with the wines of the Scaligera DOC: Valpolicella DOC, Valpolicella DOC Superiore, Amarone and Recioto della Valpolicella DOCG.

The event, organised by the Consorzio Tutela Vini Valpolicella, is part of the larger ‘Enjoy it’s from Europe’ promotion campaign financed by the European Union, which aims to raise awareness in Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic of the very important role of European quality labels.

Press Lunch 2023 also reaffirms another certainty: the importance of the press in promoting healthy eating, helping to relaunch European quality brands: those PDOs and PGIs that behind a few letters hide an infinite world of care, translation, professionals, territory and sustainability. Telling all this is a wonderful team effort.

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