Cibus 2024 in Parma welcomes Nano Vialone Veronese PGI Rice.


7 - 10 MAY 2024



In Parma from 7 to 10 May there was Cibus 2024, one of the most important events dedicated to the Italian agri-food sector that promotes high quality products and regional specialties Made in Italy.

Nano Vialone Veronese PGI Rice, recognized for its excellence and its protected origin, could not miss. During the event, the Consortium had the opportunity to present its renowned PGI rice to an international audience of professionals, including distributors, importers and restaurateurs, promoting its unique characteristics and its use in gourmet cuisine.

Cibus 2024 represented a strategic opportunity for Nano Vialone Veronese PGI Rice to consolidate its presence on foreign markets and establish new commercial collaborations, thus strengthening the position of high quality Italian rice in the world.

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