Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil protagonist of Italian oil tourism.

Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil is not only an element characterising a territory, but a potential tourist attraction. In fact, oil tourism in Italy represents an important component of wine and food tourism, attracting visitors from all over the world, eager to discover the flavours and traditions linked to the production of extra virgin olive oil. Italy, and Veneto in particular, with its long olive-growing tradition such as that of Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil, offers a wide range of oil-related tourism experiences:

  • Visits to oil mills, during which visitors can participate in guided tours to see first-hand the extra virgin olive oil production process, from olive harvesting to pressing and bottling, discovering traditional and modern production techniques.
  • Guided tastings, to learn how to recognise the organoleptic characteristics of Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil and the typical combinations of Veneto cuisine.
  • Harvesting experiences, in which tourists can actively participate in the harvesting in the fields, experiencing this crucial production phase first-hand.
  • Cookery courses, which teach how to use Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil in traditional Veneto recipes.
  • Food and wine itineraries, combining visits to oil mills, wine cellars and excursions among the olive groves, offering a complete experience of the flavours of the Veneto.
  • Fairs and festivals dedicated to extra virgin olive oil, such as market exhibitions, quality competitions and oil festivals.

There are many oil mills that offer the possibility of staying in agritourisms surrounded by olive groves, for a totally immersive experience.

Oil tourism is a fundamental part of Italian food and wine tourism, because it allows to enhance the territory, promoting local Designations of Origin and supporting the rural economy, to spread food education, increasing awareness of the nutritional and health-giving qualities of Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil, and to offer a truly authentic experience by putting tourists in direct contact with local producers and traditions.

The Interregional Association of Olive Producers adheres to the project “That’s Amore. European Lifestyle: Taste Wonderfood” that celebrates the love for quality European products, for excellence of certain origin, for raw materials processed in a respectful and transparent way.

It is a project that puts in place many initiatives, workshops and events throughout Europe to make citizens and operators in the sector aware of the certified quality of Veneto PDO Extra Virgin Olive oil, Asiago PDO Cheese, Valpolicella Wines and Nano Vialone Veronese PGI Rice.

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