Polenta pie with speck, radicchio and Asiago fondue


  • 170 g of cornmeal
  •     700 g of water
  •     Salt to taste.
  •     100 g of diced speck
  •     half a small head of radicchio
  •     half a small onion
  •     half a glass of red wine
  • salt and pepper




Preparation time

50 mins


Prepare the polenta by putting cold water in a pan, add all the polenta, salt, mix with a whisk and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes or as suggested by the packaging we used. Leave to cool down a bit.

Heat a little oil in a pan and add the onion cut into small pieces, add the speck and cook for a few minutes, deglaze with the white wine and add the radicchio washed and cut into thin strips.

Season with salt and pepper and continue cooking for another 6/8 minutes.

Take some baking cups and brush them on the bottom and on the edges with extra virgin olive oil, arrange a little polenta in them trying to make a fountain in the centre.

Put the speck and radicchio mixture into each ramekin and top with more polenta.

Put the cups in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.

For the fondue, put a saucepan with the milk and butter on the heat and melt without boiling, add the diced Asiago and slowly melt, season with salt and add the nutmeg.

At this point, unmold the polenta pies, if you wish you can heat them in the oven and serve with the fondue on top.

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