Public Relationship


The press office activity developed and conveyed the messages of the campaign, highlighting the two key moments of this year (the Amarone Opera Prima event and participation in the Isola della Scala rice fair).

After an initial phase of finding and studying the material provided, the database was compiled and the topics to be addressed in the press releases were proposed, in order to convey current and newsworthy topics always accompanied by the campaign’s key messages.

In relation to the issues proposed and approved, four press releases were written, two dedicated to the Valpolicella product and two dedicated to the Vialone Nano rice product.

In order to guarantee efficient monitoring, monitoring of the keywords used in the press releases was activated at the start of the campaign, so as to ensure a complete press review.

The press office strategy aims to reach the main target of the campaign (final consumers) indirectly through journalists and influencers, using press publications as an information channel for consumers. The aim was therefore to correctly inform journalists about EU quality products by disseminating them the key messages of the programme: traceability and links with tradition, traceability and food safety, sustainability and respect for the environment.

Additionally, to ensure broad dissemination of messages and media coverage, general education messages were broadcast alongside news related to key campaign events.

The press office activity began on 1 June 2022 and ended on 31 December 2022. The press releases were launched on the following dates, with the following strategic operational choice:

  • –  15 settembre 2022 – L’ECCELLENZA EUROPEA SBARCA A VERONA: IL RISO VIALONE NANO IGP PROTAGONISTA ALLA 54esima EDIZIONE DELLA FIERA DEL RISO DI ISOLA DELLA SCALA – a ridosso della fiera del Riso di Isola della Scala, per comunicare la partecipazione e darne visibilità
  • –  27 ottobre 2022 – IL METODO TRADIZIONALE DELLA MESSA A RISPOSO DELLE UVE IN VALPOLICELLA CANDITATO A PATRIMONIO IMMATERIALE DELL’UNESCO – poco dopo la candidatura ricevuta, per informare il settore di questo traguardo
  • –  13 dicembre 2022 – IL RISO VIALONE NANO VERONESE IGP, PROTAGONISTA NELLE TAVOLE ITALIANE IMBANDITE A FESTA – poco prima delle festività, per dare nuovi spunti ai consumatori. Durante tutto il periodo dell’attività si è mantenuta una comunicazione costante con i media, al fine di garantire un’ampia diffusione dei messaggi. A questo link sono scaricabili tutti i comunicati stampa: Indicatori di output previsti a progetto:
  • –  1 ufficio stampa
  • –  6 comunicati stampa (2 vini tutelati dal Consorzio Valpolicella quali l’Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG, il Valpolicella Classico DOC, il Valpolicella Ripasso DOC e al Recioto della Valpolicella DOCG, 2 Riso Nano Vialone Veronese IGP, 2 per Olio d’Oliva dell’Associazione Italiana Produttori Olivicoli).

Output indicators achieved:

  • 1 ufficio stampa
  • 4 comunicati stampa (2 vini tutelati dal Consorzio Valpolicella quali l’Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG, il Valpolicella Classico DOC, il Valpolicella Ripasso DOC e al Recioto della Valpolicella DOCG, 2 Riso Nano Vialone Veronese IGP – contrariamente a quanto pianificato non sono stati redatti e condivisi i 2 comunicati stampa per Olio d’Oliva dell’Associazione Italiana Produttori Olivicoli per scelta del partner).

Press releases


Expected result indicators:

  • 9 articles published in print and on the web
  • 180 press bloggers met and retained
  • 36 press journalists met and retained
  • 90 press influencers met and retained
  • 1,800 adult consumer contacts

Indicators of results achieved:

  • 26 articles published in print and on the web
  • 2,401 KOLs (press journalists, bloggers, freelancers, influencers) contacted and sensitized (DATABASE medialist)
  • 810,210 adult consumer contacts reached
    The complete press review can be downloaded at this link:


The press office activity developed and conveyed the campaign messages. After an initial phase of collecting and studying the material provided, the database was compiled and the topics to be addressed in the press releases were proposed, in order to convey current affairs and news items that always accompanied the key messages of the campaign.

The press office strategy aimed to reach the main target of the campaign (end consumers) indirectly through journalists and influencers, using press publications as an information channel for consumers. The aim was therefore to correctly inform journalists about EU quality products, spreading them the key messages of the programme: traceability and link with tradition, comprehensibility and food safety, sustainability and respect for the environment.

The press office activity started on 1 October 2022 and ended on 31 December 2022. The exact dates of the press releases are given in the list below.

In relation to the topics proposed and approved, six press releases were drafted, four dedicated to the Valpolicella product, one to the Vialone Nano rice product and one to the Asiago product.

To ensure effective monitoring, checking of keywords used in press releases was activated at the start of the campaign to ensure a complete press review.

The recipients of this activity were mainly journalists and opinion leaders in the sector, who in turn disseminated the key messages of the activity to final consumers. The press office activity was carried out by Sopexa Germany (work team: Sara Pugnale and Nicole Korzonnek).

Products involved: wines protected by the Valpolicella Consortium such as Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG, Valpolicella Classico DOC, Valpolicella Ripasso DOC and Recioto della Valpolicella DOCG, Nano Vialone Veronese IGP rice and Asiago DOP.

The database dedicated to this activity includes B2C and B2B publications in the food & beverage sector, technical publications in the wine, dairy and agri-food sectors, national newspapers (in particular journalists who deal with the food & wine section), bloggers and influencers of the food & wine sector, sector information sites and finally opinion leaders in the food & beverage sector.

The database has a total of 3,900 contacts and was used on the basis of the information conveyed and the product involved: for example, for sending press releases dedicated to the Valpolicella product, greater attention was paid to communication with journalists in the wine sector to obtain greater visibility on the reference publications. Similarly, for the sending of press releases dedicated to the Rice product, communication was more intense with the media of the agri-food sector.

Project output indicators:

  • –  6 Press Releases
  • –  1 Press Office

Output indicators achieved:

  • –  1 Press Office
  • –  6 Press Releases

List of press releases:

  • PR1 : 25th of October 2022

Theme: Presentation of the project with the event plan and its highlights.

Target group: B2B wine media, B2C wine&food, Women magazines

  • PR2: 27th of October 2022
    Theme: ripening of Valpolicella grapes, a candidate area to become a UNESCO site Target group: B2B and B2C wine, bloggers
  • PR3: 10th of November 2022
    Theme: Vialone Nano: a risotto for different occasions of pleasure (not only savory but also sweet) Target group: B2C food, women magazines, bloggers
  • PR4: 17th of November 2022
    Theme: Asiago – a cheese with many stories
    Target group: B2C food, women magazines, bloggers
  • PR5: 23rd of November 2022
    Theme: Welcome in Valpolicella world: Amarone, Recioto & co (foodpairing, style…) Target group: B2B wine media, B2C wine&food, Women magazines, bloggers
  • PR6: 7th of December 2022
    Theme: Amarone & Co: Valpolicella wines for Christmas holidays Target group: B2C food, women magazines, bloggers
    List of press releases in target market language:
  • PR1 25/10/2022 “ELTW – European Lifestyle: Taste Wonderfood – Qualitätsprodukte aus Nordostitalien mit gemeinsamer EU-Kampagne”
  • PR2 27/10/2022 UNESCOKulturerbe
  • PR3 10/11/2022
  • PR4 11/23/2022
  • PR5 17/11/2022
  • PR6 07/12/2022 Results indicators achieved 3,900 journalists reached in total

Appassimento-Verfahren auf dem Weg zum Immateriellen

Reis aus Nordostitalien sorgt für zahlreiche Genussmomente Vinophile Vielfalt aus Valpolicella
Köstliche Vielfalt einer traditionellen norditalienischen Käsespezialität Valpolicella-Weine fürs Weihnachtsfest

  • 1st press release sent to 629 journalists
  • 2nd press release sent to 428 journalists
  • 3rd press release sent to 447 journalists
  • 4th press release sent to 446 journalists
  • 5th press release sent to 956 journalists
  • 6th press release sent to 994 journalists

At the following link it is possible to view the complete press review:


The press office activity developed and conveyed the campaign messages. After an initial phase of collecting and studying the material provided, the database was compiled and the topics to be addressed in the press releases were proposed, in order to convey current affairs and news items that always accompanied the key messages of the campaign. The press office activity started on 1 October 2022 and ended on 31 December 2022. The exact dates of the press releases are given in the following list. The press office strategy aimed to reach the main target of the campaign (end consumers) indirectly through journalists and influencers, using press publications as an information channel for consumers. The aim was therefore to adequately inform journalists about EU quality products, disseminating them the key messages of the programme: traceability and link with tradition, comprehensibility and food safety, sustainability and respect for the environment. In relation to the proposed and approved topics, six press releases were drafted: a general press release describing the entire ELTW 2022-2024 campaign, four press releases on Valpolicella wines, such as the Valpolicella consortium and the UNESCO heritage list or what that the Valpolicella region has to offer to its visitors. Another theme of the Valpolicella wines was that of the categories of Valpolicella wines and the various Valpolicella wines for Christmas. A press release was entirely dedicated to Nano Vialone Veronese rice. To ensure effective monitoring, monitoring of keywords used in press releases was activated at the start of the campaign to ensure a complete press review.

The recipients of this activity were mainly journalists and opinion leaders in the sector, who in turn disseminated the key messages of the activity to final consumers.

The press office activity was carried out by Sopexa consultants from Prague (work team: Thomas Bouton and Kateřina Fričová).

Products involved: wines protected by the Valpolicella Consortium such as Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG, Valpolicella Classico DOC, Valpolicella Ripasso DOC and Recioto della Valpolicella DOCG as well as Nano Vialone Veronese IGP rice.

The database dedicated to this activity includes the main national newspapers and online magazines and their supplements (in particular the journalists who cover the food & wine section) dealing with F&B, hotels and gastronomy, women’s lifestyles. B2C and B2B, food & beverage, (, food & wine bloggers and influencers),

The database has 750 contacts in total and was used on the basis of the information conveyed and the product involved: for example, for sending press releases dedicated to the Valpolicella product, greater attention was paid to communication with journalists in the wine sector to obtain greater visibility on the reference publications. Similarly, for the sending of press releases dedicated to the Rice product, communication was more intense with the media of the agri-food sector.

List of press releases

  • Press release 1 – 15 November 2022
  • Press release 2 – 24 November 2022
  • Press release 3 – 1 December 2022
  • Press release 4 – 7 December 2022
  • Press release 5 – 19 December 2022
  • Press release 6 – 21 December 2022

Expected output indicators:

– 6 Press Releases
– 1 Press Office

Output indicators obtained:

6 Press Releases
1 Press Office
List of press releases

Theme: Project presentation and event plan

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online),

Theme: Valpolicella grapes, candidate for UNESCO Intangible Heritage.

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online),

Theme: Vialone Nano rice: various culinary pleasures

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online),

Theme: Amarone, Recioto, Valpolicella, Ripasso et al – the Valpolicella region offers a variety of wines

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online), travel

Theme: Between the mountains and the lakes: wines from a region where history, gastronomy and

cultures meet

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online), travel

Theme: Amarone & Co: Valpolicella wines for Christmas h

Target group: general, dailies, dailies supplements, online, lifestyle women, lifestyle men, corporate, luxury, gastro and hotel media, food and beverage media (print and online).

List of press releases in target market language:

  • –  PR1 15/11/2022 Kampaň European Lifestyle: Taste Wonderfood (ELTW), v překladu „Evropský životní styl: ochutnejte fantastické potraviny“, se s podporou EU zaměřuje na propagaci kvalitních produktů ze severovýchodní Itálie”
  • –  PR2 24/11/2022 Konsorcium Valpolicella vstupuje do další etapy – proces Appassimento je na dobré cestě k zápisu na seznam nehmotného kulturního dědictví UNESCO
  • –  PR3 1/12/2022 Rýže Riso Nano Vialone Veronese s chráněným zeměpisným označením (CHZO) ze severovýchodní Itálie zprostředkuje řadu výjimečných kulinářských zážitků.
  • –  PR4 7/12/2022 nabízí rozmanitá vína
  • –  PR5 19/12/2022 gastronomií
  • –  PR6 21/12/2022 Vánoce

Amarone, Recioto, Valpolicella, Ripasso a spol. – region Valpolicella Mezi jezerem a horami – vína z kraje, kde se setkává historie s Amarone & další s chráněným označením původu – Vína Valpolicella na

Le copie dei comunicati stampa sono visionabili al seguente link:

I sei comunicati stampa sono stati inviati a 750 giornalisti per totali 4.500

Indicatori di risultato raggiunti:

Totale dei contatti raggiunti 2,241,600.1 600.
Al seguente link è possibile visionare la rassegna stampa completa:

– Allegato 1: copia dei comunicati stampa e clipping report

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